Following the TRNC Council of Ministers meeting held on the 26th of March 2020 considering the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the extraordinary conditions, the TRNC Ministry of National Education and Culture has decided to stop the traditional education method in our universities and to conduct education in the form of digital education, limited to the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring semester.
In this context; It has been deemed appropriate to carry out education and training in the theoretical courses of active associate and undergraduate education programs and postgraduate education programs of universities established according to the TRNC legislation.
- Theoretical parts of the courses in higher education programs at all levels can be carried out by higher education institutions by distance education if there are necessary infrastructure and competence. Training can be given by making an intensive academic calendar according to each program at the appropriate time determined for the applied parts.
- The points which need to be followed by higher education institutions, limited to the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring semester, regarding digital education activities to be substituted for formal education are as follows:
- Higher education institutions will be able to continue their education and training activities carried out at the associate, undergraduate and postgraduate levels in formal education by means of the decision of the competent committees, by means of distance education, according to the program variety and infrastructure possibilities.
- Higher education institutions will be able to use distance learning methods synchronously or asynchronously for all courses in formal education programs.
- Examinations and evaluation of student success will be carried out in line with the “legally transparent, explicable and auditable principles” determined by the competent boards of higher education institutions, taking into account the learning achievements of the relevant program and the conflicts and inspections that may occur in the following processes.
- 2019-2020 spring semester courses which cannot be provided by distance education method in higher education institutions, will be compensated according to each program
by making a concentrated academic calendar, which will be implemented after the COVID-19 outbreak. - Universities which do not have the necessary infrastructure and human resources for distance education, in accordance with the decision of the authorized boards of the relevant higher education institutions, the relevant programs of the universities will be processed with the following alternatives;
- For the compensation of the courses for the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring semester, a concentrated academic calendar is made according to each program and will be applied after the COVID-19 outbreak,
- To receive the related services from programs of universities with the necessary infrastructure
- About the education:
- Based on the decision of YÖK, universities approved by YÖK will provide theoretical education to their students on digital platform,
- Only our universities approved by YÖDAK can provide theoretical training in digital environment by complying with the above mentioned issues,
- In line with the above-mentioned implementation YÖDAK will fulfill its guidance and supervision duties during process,
- The diploma registration and document procedures of universities that do not comply with the above issues are not carried out by the relevant ministry,
- As a result of the New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak on a global scale, online registration has been extended until 3 April 2020 for students who have registered in the periods before 2019-2020 Spring semester and / or who have not been able to register and / or start their education due to transportation restrictions before 10 March 2020. It is deemed appropriate for them to be subject to the education application implemented by their respective universities