Academic Calendar
2024-2025 Academic Calendar Summer Term
16 - 19 June 2024 Eid al-Adha
24 June 2024 Assignment of Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System and Login to ÖBS
27 - 28 June 2024 Taking Lessons
01 July 2024 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
01 July 2024 Faculty of Medicine Diploma Date
08 July 2024 Faculty of Dentistry Diploma Date
20 July 2024 T.R.N.C.Peace and Freedom Day
01 August 2024 T.R.N.C.Social Resistance Day
10 August 2024 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
12 - 14 August 2024 Final Exams (including School of Foreign Languages)
14 August 2024 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
14 August 2024 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
16 August 2024 End of Period
15 August 2024 Summer Term Diploma Date
30 August 2024 Victory Day
Academic Calendar For 2024-2025
24 June - 31 August 2024 Autumn Semester Intra-Institutional and Inter-Institutional Transfer Application
24 June - 08 September 2024 Application to Graduate Programmes, Pre-registration and Evaluation
12 July 2024 Last Day for the Determination of the Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time) Opened for the Autumn Semester and Submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2024 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day
20 July 2024 T.R.N.C.Peace and Freedom Day
24 July 2024 Announcement of the Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time) Opened in the Autumn Semester and Entry to ÖBS
1 August 2024 T.R.N.C.Social Resistance Day and Foundation Anniversary of the Turkish National Defence Forces
30 August 2024 Victory Day
Fall Semester
02- 06 September 2024 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in Student Information System
09 September 2024 Last Day for the First Payment of Tuition Fees (First Instalment of Annual Advance and Instalment Payments)
10 September 2024 Announcement of Transfer Results
10 September 2024 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam (Written) ( Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 Half an hour before the exam should be at the exam place.)
11 - 13 September 2024 Taking Courses (Associate, Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes) (Including Faculties of Law, Medicine and Dentistry)
11 September 2024 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam (Oral) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 Half an hour before the exam should be at the exam centre)
12 September 2024 English Preparatory School Placement Exam 09:30
12 September 2024 Graduate English Proficiency Exam 14:00
15 September 2024 Mevlid Kandil
14 September - 27 September 2024 Orientation Programme for New Students
16 September 2024 Start of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
17 September 2024 History (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 09:30
18 September 2024 Turkish (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 14:00
19 September 2024 English (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 09:30
19 September 2024 Computer (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 14:00
01 October 2024 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam for Newly Enrolled International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 half an hour before the exam)
01 October 2024 Faculty of Medicine (Turkish Programme) White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
02 October 2024 Faculty of Health Sciences White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
08 October 2024 Last Day for the 2nd Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
15 October 2024 Faculty of Medicine (International Students) White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
16 October 2024 Faculty of Health Sciences (International Students) White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
18 October 2024 Late Registration Deadline
25 October 2024 Last Day for Add/Drop Courses
29 October 2024 Republic Day
30 October 2024 Midterm, Final Exam Date, Place and Time Announcement
08 November 2024 Last Day for the 3rd Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
15 November 2024 Republic Day of T.R.N.C.
22 November 2024 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
18 - 22 November 2024 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
25 November 2024 Last Day for Midterm Exam Student Information System Login
26 November- 28 November 2024 Midterm Make-up Exams
09 December 2024 Last Day for the 4th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
16 December 2024 Last Day for the Determination of the Courses (lecturer, place, day and time) to be opened in the Spring Semester and Submission to the Rectorate
18 December 2024 Courses Last Day for Withdrawal
20 December 2024 Last Day for NA Grades to be entered into the system
25 December 2024 Christmas (Administrative Holiday for Relevant Students)
01 January 2025 New Year's Eve
03 January 2025 Last Day of Classes
02- 17 January 2025 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation of Graduate Programmes
03 January 2025 Announcement of the courses to be opened in the Spring Semester (instructor, place, day and time) and Entry to ÖBS
06 - 16 January 2025 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
08 January 2025 Last Day for the 5th Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
08 January 2025 Last Day for the 2nd Instalment of Annual 2 Instalment Payments
17 January 2025 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
17 January 2025 Application for Make-up Exams
20- 22 January 2025 Make-up Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
20- 22 January 2025 Conditional Graduation Exams (Graduation Make-up Exams)
22 January 2025 Last Day for Entry to the Make-up Exam Student Information System
22 January 2025 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
15- 27 January 2025 Spring Semester Transfer Application
23 January 2025 End of Period
24 January 2025 Autumn Term Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Spring Semester
30 - 31 January 2025 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in Student Information System
04 February 2025 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam
04 February 2025 Announcement of Transfer Results
06 - 07 February 2025 Taking Courses (Associate, Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes)
10 February 2025 Last Day for the 6th Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
10 February 2025 Graduate English Proficiency Exam
10 February 2025 Commencement of Courses (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
17 February 2025 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam for Newly Enrolled International Students
21 February 2025 Midterm, Final Exam Date, Place and Time Announcement
06 March 2025 Last Day for Add/Drop Courses
10 March 2025 Last Day for the 7th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
14 March 2025 Late Registration Deadline
30 March - 1 April 2025 Eid al-Fitr
04 April 2025 Last Day to Add/Drop Courses for Newly Enrolled International Students
08 April 2025 Last Day for the 8th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
07 - 11 April 2025 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
14 April 2025 Last Day for Midterm Exam Student Information System Login
14 - 16 April 2025 Midterm Make-up Exams
23 April 2025 National Sovereignty and Children's Day
01 May 2025 Labour Day
02 May 2025 Courses Last Day for Withdrawal
16 May 2025 Last Day for Determination of Summer School Courses and Submission to the Rectorate
16 May 2025 Last Day for NA Grades to be entered into the system
19 May 2025 Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
23 May 2025 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
02 June 2025 Announcement of Summer School Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time)
6 June - 9 June 2025 Eid al-Adha
02 June - 18 June 2025 Final Exams (including School of Foreign Languages)
19 June 2025 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
19 June 2025 Application for Make-up Exams
20 - 24 June 2025 Make-up Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
20 - 24 June 2025 Conditional Graduation Exams (G.Make-up)
24 June 2025 Last Day for Entry to the Make-up Exam Student Information System
24 June 2025 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
24 June 2025 Last Day for Summer School Applications
24 June 2025 End of Period
25 June 2025 Spring Term Diploma Date and University Graduation Ceremony
Summer Semester
24 June 2025 Assignment of Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System and Login to ÖBS
25 - 27 June 2025 Taking Lessons
30 June 2025 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
01 July 2025 Faculty of Medicine Diploma Date
08 July 2025 Faculty of Dentistry Diploma Date
20 July 2025 T.R.N.C.Peace and Freedom Day
01 August 2025 T.R.N.C.Social Resistance Day
08 August 2025 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
11 - 13 August 2025 Final Exams (including School of Foreign Languages)
13 August 2025 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
13 August 2025 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
13 August 2025 End of Period
14 August 2025 Summer Term Diploma Date
30 August 2025 Victory Day
2023-2024 Academic Year
19 June - 31 August 2023 Autumn Semester Intra-Institutional and Inter-Institutional Transfer Application
19 June - 08 September 2023 Application to Graduate Programmes, Pre-registration and Evaluation
13 July 2023 Last Day for the Determination of the Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time) Opened for the Autumn Semester and Submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2023 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day
20 July 2023 TRNC Peace and Freedom Day
24 July 2023 Announcement of the Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time) Opened for the Autumn Semester and Entry to ÖBS
1 August 2023 TRNC Social Resistance Day and Foundation Anniversary of the Turkish National Defence Forces
30 August 2023 Victory Day
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
01- 05 September 2023 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in Student Information System
08 September 2023 Last Day for the First Payment of Tuition Fees (First Instalment of Annual Advance and Instalment Payments)
11 September 2023 Announcement of Transfer Results
11 September 2023 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam (Written) ( Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 Half an hour before the exam should be at the exam place.)
12 September 2023 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam (Oral) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 Half an hour before the exam should be at the exam centre)
14 September 2023 English Preparatory School Placement Exam 09:30
14 September 2023 Graduate English Proficiency Exam 14:00
13 - 15 September 2023 Taking Courses (Associate, Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes) (Including Faculties of Law, Medicine and Dentistry)
18 September - 28 September 2023 Orientation Programme for New Students
18 September 2023 Start of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
19 September 2023 History (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 09:30
19 September 2023 Turkish (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 14:00
20 September 2023 English (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 09:30
20 September 2023 Computer (Common Courses) Exemption Exam 14:00
27 September 2023 Mawlid Kandil
02 October 2023 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
02 October 2023 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam for Newly Enrolled International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 half an hour before the exam)
03 October 2023 Faculty of Health Sciences White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
09 October 2023 Last Day for the 2nd Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
16 October 2023 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Wearing Ceremony for International Students 10:00
20 October 2023 Late Registration Deadline
27 October 2023 Last Day for Add/Drop Courses
29 October 2023 Republic Day
30 October 2023 Midterm, Final Exam Date, Place and Time Announcement
08 November 2023 Last Day for the 3rd Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
15 November 2023 Republic Day of TRNC
22 November 2023 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Wearing Ceremony 10:00
20 - 25 November 2023 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
27 November 2023 Last Day for Midterm Exam Student Information System Login
29 November - 01 December 2023 Midterm Make-up Exams
08 December 2023 Last Day for the 4th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
15 December 2023 Last day for the determination of the courses (lecturer, place, day and time) to be opened in the Spring Semester and submission to the Rectorate
18 December 2023 Courses Last Day for Withdrawal
22 December 2023 Last Day for NA Grades to be entered into the system
25 December 2023 Christmas (Administrative Holiday for Relevant Students)
29 December 2023 Last Day of Classes
01 January 2024 New Year's Eve
02- 19 January 2024 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation of Graduate Programmes
03 January 2024 Announcement of the courses (instructor, place, day and time) to be opened in the Spring Semester and Entry to ÖBS
02 - 12 January 2024 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
08 January 2024 Last Day for the 5th Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
08 January 2024 Last Day for the 2nd Instalment of Annual 2 Instalment Payments
13 January 2024 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
15 January 2024 Application for Make-up Exams
17- 19 January 2024 Make-up Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
17- 19 January 2024 Conditional Graduation Exams (Graduation Make-up Exams)
19 January 2024 Last Day for Entry to the Make-up Exam Student Information System
22 January 2024 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
15- 26 January 2024 Spring Semester Transfer Application
22 January 2024 End of Period
23 January 2024 Autumn Term Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
01-02 February 2023 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System
08 February 2024 Last Day for the 6th Instalment of Tuition Fee Payments with 8 Annual Instalments
08 February 2024 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam
09 February 2024 Announcement of Transfer Results
09 February 2024 Graduate English Proficiency Exam
08 - 09 February 2024 Taking Courses (Associate, Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes)
12 February 2024 Commencement of Courses (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
19 February 2024 English Preparatory School Exemption Exam for Newly Enrolled International Students
23 February 2024 Midterm, Final Exam Date, Place and Time Announcement
06 March 2024 Last Day for Add/Drop Courses
08 March 2024 Last Day for the 7th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
15 March 2024 Late Registration Deadline
05 April 2024 Last Day to Add/Drop Courses for Newly Enrolled International Students
08 April 2024 Last Day for the 8th Instalment of Annual 8 Instalment Tuition Fee Payments
10 - 12 April 2024 Eid al-Fitr
15 - 20 April 2024 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Graduate Programmes)
22 April 2024 Last Day for Midterm Exam Student Information System Login
23 April 2024 National Sovereignty and Children's Day
24 - 26 April 2024 Midterm Make-up Exams
01 May 2024 Labour Day
02 May2024 Courses Last Day for Withdrawal
16 May 2024 Last Day for Determination of Summer School Courses and Submission to the Rectorate
17 May 2024 Last Day for NA Grades to be entered into the system
19 May 2024 Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
24 May 2024 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
27 May - 03 June 2024 Final Exams (including School of Foreign Languages)
03 June 2024 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
03 June 2024 Announcement of Summer School Courses (Instructor, Place, Day and Time)
04 June 2024 Application for Make-up Exams
05 - 07 June 2024 Make-up Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
05 - 07 June 2024 Conditional Graduation Exams (G.Make-up)
07 June 2024 Last Day for Entry to the Make-up Exam Student Information System
10 June 2024 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
10 June 2024 Last Day for Summer School Applications
10 June 2024 End of Period
11 June 2024 Spring Term Diploma Date and University Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
16 - 19 June 2024 Eid al-Adha
24 June 2024 Assignment of Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System and Login to ÖBS
27 - 28 June 2024 Taking Lessons
01 July 2024 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
01 July 2024 Faculty of Medicine Diploma Date
08 July 2024 Faculty of Dentistry Diploma Date
20 July 2024 K.K.T.R. Peace and Freedom Day
01 August 2024 K.K.T.R. Social Resistance Day
10 August 2024 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
12 - 14 August 2024 Final Exams (including School of Foreign Languages)
14 August 2024 Last Day for Final Exam Student Information System Login
14 August 2024 Deadline for submission of letter grades to the Dean's Office
16 August 2024 End of Period
15 August 2024 Summer Term Diploma Date
30 August 2024 Victory Day
2022-2023 Academic Year
20 June – 31 August 2022 Fall Term Internal and Inter-Institutional Transfer Applications
20 June – 09 September 2022 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
09 - 12 July 2022 Religious Holiday
13 July 2022 Deadline for Determination and Submission of Fall Term Courses
(Instructor, Place, Day and Time) to the Rectorate
20 July 2022 National Day
25 July 2022 Announcement of Fall Term Classes (Instructor, place, day and time)
1 August 2022 National Holiday
30 August 2022 National Holiday
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
05-09 September 2022 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System
08 September 2022 Deadline for the first tuition fee payment (İncluding advance payments and first instalments of the payment plans)
08-12 September 2022 Activation of Courses in the Student Information System
12 September 2022 Announcement of Transfer Results
15 – 17 Eylül 2021 Ders Alma (Lisans ve Lisansüstü Programlar) (Hukuk, Tıp ve Diş Hekimliği Fakülteleri Dahil)
12 September 2022 Announcement of Transfer Results
12 September 2022 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam ( written exam) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and at 13:30 for the afternoon session)
13 September 2022 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam ( oral exam) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
15 September 2022 English Proficiency Exemption Exam (09:30)
14 – 16 September 2022 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs – Including the Faculty of Law, Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry)
19 September 2022 Commencement of Classes - Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
19 September 2022 Information Technology Exemption Exam Time 09:30
19 September 2022 Computer Applications Exemption Exam Time 14:00
20 September 2022 English (common courses) exemption exam
20 September – 30 September 2022 Orientation Program for Freshers
03 October 2022 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Ceremony ( 14:00)
03 October 2022 English Proficiency /Exemption Exam for International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
04 October 2022 Faculty of Health Sciences White Coat Ceremony (14:00)
04 October 2022 Faculty of Health Sciences White Coat Ceremony (14:00)
05 October 2022 Faculty of Dentistry (14:00)
08 October 2022 Religious Holiday
10 October 2022 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
24 October 2022 Deadline for Late Registration
28 October 2022 Deadline for Course add – drop
29 October 2022 National Holiday
31 October 2022 Announcement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
08 November 2022 Deadline for the 3rd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
15 November 2022 National Holiday
21 – 26 November 2022 Midterm Exams – Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
28 November 2022 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
30 November - 02 December 2022 Midterm Make-up Exams
08 December 2022 Deadline for the 4th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
16 December 2022 Deadline for specifying Spring Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and submission to the Rectorate
19 December 2022 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
23 December 2022 Deadline to enter NA grades on to SIS
25 December 2022 Christmas Holiday ( for relevant students )
30 December 2022 Last Day of Classes
01 January 2023 New Year
02 - 20 January 2023 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
03 January 2023 Announcement of Spring Courses (Instructor, place, day and time)
02– 12 January 2023 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
09 January 2023 Deadline for the 5th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
09 January 2023 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (2 Instalment Plan)
13 January 2023 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System (SIS)
13 January 2023 Re-sit Exam Application
17 - 19 January 2023 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
17 - 19 Ocak 2022 Koşullu Mezuniyet Sınavları (Graduation Make-up Sınavları)
17 - 19 January 2023 Conditional Graduate Exams (Graduation Make-up Exams )
19 January 2023 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam Results to the Student Information System
20 January 2023 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
16 - 27 January 2023 Spring Semester Transfer Application
20 January 2023 End of Term
20 January 2023 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
01-02 February 2023 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System
06-07 February 2023 Activation of Courses in the Student Information System
08 February 2023 Deadline for the 6th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
08 - 10 February 2023 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs)
09 February 2023 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam
10 February 2023 Announcement of Transfer Results
10 February 2023 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
13 February 2023 Commencement of Classes ( Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs )
20 February 2023 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students
24 February 2023 Midterm Exam and Final Exam Schedule Announcements
06 March 2023 Deadline for course add – drop
08 March 2023 Deadline for the 7th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment)
10 March 2023 Deadline for late registration
03 April 2023 Deadline for Newly Registered Students Course Add-Drop
03 – 07 April 2023 Mid-term Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
10 April 2023 Deadline for the 8th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
10 April 2023 Deadline to enter midterm exams to the student information system
10-12 April 2023 Midterm Make Up Exams
21-23 April 2023 Religious Holiday
23 April 2023 National Holiday
01 May 2023 National Holiday
08 May 2023 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
16 May 2023 Deadline for specifying Summer School Courses and for submission to the Rectorate
18 May 2023 Deadline to enter NA grades to the system
19 May 2023 National Holiday
26 May 2023 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
29 May-07 June 2023 Final Exams ( Including School of Foreign Languages )
08 June 2023 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
08 June 2023 Re-sit Exam Applications
12-14 June 2023 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
12 – 14 June 2023 Conditional Graduation Exams (G.Make-up)
14 June 2023 Summer School Class Announcements (Instructor, place, day and time)
14 June 2023 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Information System
15 June 2023 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
15 June 2023 End of Term
16 June 2023 Deadline to Summer School Applications
16 June 2023 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
19 June 2023 Assigning Courses to Academic Staff in the Student Information System
19 June 2023 Activating Courses in the Student Information System
20– 22 June 2023 Course Registration
28 June – 01 July 2023 Religious Holiday
03 July 2023 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
15 July 2023 National Day
20 July 2023 National Holiday
01 August 2023 National Holiday
11 August 2023 Last day of the classes ( Including School of Foreign Languages )
14 - 16 August 2023 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
16 August 2023 Deadline to Enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
16 August 2023 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
16 August 2023 End of term
17 August 2023 Summer Term Diploma Date
18 Ağustos 2022 Final Sınavı Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine Giriş için Son Gün
18 Ağustos 2022 Notların Harf Olarak Dekanlıklara Teslimi için Son Gün
18 Ağustos 2022 Dönem Sonu
30 August 2023 National Holiday
2021 - 2022 Academic Year
21 June – 31 August 2021 Fall Term Internal and Inter-Institutional Transfer Applications
21 June – 10 September 2021 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
12 July 2021 Deadline for specifying Fall Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and for submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2021 National Day
20 July 2021 National Holiday
20 - 23 July 2021 Religious Holiday
26 July 2021 Announcement of Fall Term Classes (Instructor, place, day and time)
1 August 2021 National Holiday
30 August 2021 National Holiday
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
08 September 2021 Deadline for the first tuition fee payment (İncluding advance payments and first instalments of the payment plans)
13 September 2021 Announcement of Transfer Results
13 September 2021 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam ( written exam) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and at 13:30 for the afternoon session)
14 September 2021 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam ( oral exam) (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
17 September 2021 English Proficiency Placement Exam
15 – 17 September 2021 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs – Including the Faculty of Law, Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry)
20 September – 01 October 2021 Orientation Program for Freshers
20 September 2021 Commencement of Classes - Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
20 September 2021 Information Technology Exemption Exam Time 09:30
20 September 2021 Computer Applications Exemption Exam Time 14:00
28 September 2021 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
04 October 2021 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
05 October 2021 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 1 - 09:30)
05 October 2021 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 2 - 14:00)
06 October 2021 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 1 - 09:30)
06 October 2021 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 2 - 14:00)
07 October 2021 Faculty of Health Sciences White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 1 - 09:30)
07 October 2021 Faculty of Health Sciences Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 2 - 14:00)
08 October 2021 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
08 October 2021 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
18 October 2021 Religious Holiday
25 October 2021 Deadline for Late Registration
28 October 2021 Deadline for Course add – drop
29 October 2021 National Holiday
01 November 2021 Announcement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
08 November 2021 Deadline for the 3rd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
15 November 2021 National Holiday
22 – 27 November 2021 Midterm Exams – Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
29 November 2021 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
30 November - 02 December 2021 Midterm Make-up Exams
08 December 2021 Deadline for the 4th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
17 December 2021 Deadline for specifying Spring Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and submission to the Rectorate
20 December 2021 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
24 December 2021 Deadline to enter NA grades on to SIS
25 December 2021 Christmas Holiday ( for relevant students )
31 December 2021 Last Day of Classes
01 January 2022 New Year
03 - 21 January 2022 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
03 January 2022 Announcement of Spring Courses (Instructor, place, day and time)
03 – 13 January 2022 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
03-17 January 2022 Faculty of Law Annual Courses Midterm Exams
08 January 2022 Deadline for the 5th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
08 January 2022 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (2 Instalment Plan)
14 January 2022 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System (SIS)
14 January 2022 Re-sit Exam Application
17 - 19 January 2022 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
17 - 19 January 2022 Conditional Graduate Exams (Graduation Make-up Exams )
19 January 2022 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam Results to the Student Information System
20 January 2022 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
17 - 28 January 2022 Spring Semester Transfer Application
21 January 2022 End of Term
21 January 2022 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
24 January 2022 Deadline to enter Faculty of Law Annual Courses Re-Sit Exam Results to SIS
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
08 February 2022 Deadline for the 6th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
09 - 11 February 2022 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs)
10 February 2022 Announcement of Transfer Results
10 February 2022 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam
11 February 2022 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
14 February 2022 Commencement of Classes ( Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs )
21 February 2022 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students
25 February 2022 Midterm Exam and Final Exam Schedule Announcements
04 March 2022 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
07 March 2022 Deadline for course add – drop
08 March 2022 Deadline for the 7th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment)
11 March 2022 Deadline for late registration
28 March 2022 Midterm Exam and Final Exam Schedule Announcements
04 April 2022 Deadline for Newly Registered Students Course Add-Drop
08 April 2022 Deadline for the 8th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
18 – 22 April 2022 Mid-term Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
23 April 2022 National Holiday
25 April 2022 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
26 – 28 April 2022 Midterm Make Up Exams
01 May 2022 National Holiday
02 - 04 May 2022 Religious Holiday
09 May 2022 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
17 May 2022 Deadline for specifying Summer School Courses and for submission to the Rectorate
19 May 2022 National Holiday
20 May 2022 Deadline to enter NA grades to the Student Information System
03 June 2022 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
06-15 June 2022 Final Exams ( Including School of Foreign Languages )
06 – 20 June 2022 Final Exams ( Faculty of Law )
17 June 2022 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
18 June 2022 Re-sit Exam Applications
20 – 22 June 2022 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
20 – 22 June 2022 Conditional Graduation Exams (G.Make-up)
23 June 2022 Summer School Class Announcements (Instructor, place, day and time)
25 June 2022 Deadline to Summer School Applications
25 June 2022 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Information System
27 June 2022 Deadline to enter Faculty of Law Final Exam Results to the Student Information System
27 June 2022 End of Term
28 June 2022 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
27– 28 June 2022 Course Registration
28 June 2022 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
09 July – 12 July 2022 Religious Holiday
13 July 2022 Graduation Ceremony for Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Law
13 July 2022 Diploma Date for Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry
15 July 2022 National Day
18-23 July 2022 Faculty of Law Re-sit Exams
20 July 2022 National Holiday
28 July 2022 Deadline to enter Faculty of Law Re-sit Exam Results to the Student Information System
01 August 2022 National Holiday
2-3 August 2022 Faculty of Law Conditional Graduation Exams (G.Make-up)
05 August 2022 Faculty of Law Diploma Date
12 August 2022 Last day of the classes ( Including School of Foreign Languages )
15 - 17 August 2022 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages )
18 August 2022 Deadline to Enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
18 August 2022 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
18 August 2022 End of term
19 August 2022 Summer Term Diploma Date
30 August 2022 National Holiday
2020-2021 Academic Calendar
22 June – 31 August 2020 Fall Term Transfer Applications
22 June – 25 September 2020 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
14 July 2020 Deadline for specifying Fall Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and for submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2020 National Holiday
20 July 2020 National Holiday
27 July 2020 Announcement of Spring Term Classes (Instructor, place, day and time)
1 August 2020 National Holiday
31 July – 03 August 2020 Religious Holiday
30 August 2020 Religious Holiday
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
08 September 2020 Deadline for the first tuition fee payment (İncluding advance payments and first instalments of the payment plans)
14 September 2020 Announcement of Transfer Results
28 - 30 September 2020 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs – including the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry)
28 September – 09 October 2020 Orientation Program for Freshers
01 October 2020 Commencement of Classes - including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
02 October 2020 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and at 13:30 for the afternoon session)
02 October 2020 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon session 14:00 – Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
05 October 2020 Information Technology Exemption Exam Time 09:30
05 October 2020 Computer Applications Exemption Exam Time 14:00
05 October 2020 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
05 October 2020 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (09:30)
05 October 2020 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 1-14:00)
06 October 2020 Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony (For newly registered students) (Group 2 -09:30)
07 October 2020 Faculty of Health Sciences (For newly registered students) (Group 1-09:30)
07 October 2020 Faculty of Health Sciences (For newly registered students) (Group 2- 14:00)
08 October 2020 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
08 October 2020 Vocational school of Health Services (For newly registered students) (Group 1-09:30)
08 October 2020 Vocational School of Health Services (For newly registered students ) (Group 2 – 14:00)
09 October 2020 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
28 October 2020 Deadline for Late Registration
29 October 2020 National Holiday
29 October 2020 National Holiday
30 October 2020 Deadline for course add – drop
09 November 2020 Announcement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
09 November 2020 Deadline for the 3rd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
15 November 2020 National Holiday
30 November - 05 December 2020 Midterm Exams – including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs
08 December 2020 Deadline for the 4th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
11 December 2020 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
18 December 2020 Deadline for specifying Spring Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and submission to the Rectorate
08 Aralık 2020 Yıllık 8 Taksitli Öğrenim Harcı Ödemelerinin 4. Taksiti için Son Gün
25 December 2020 Religious Holiday (Administrative Holiday for relevant students)
30 December 2020 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
01 January 2021 New Year Holiday
04 January 2020 Announcement of Spring Courses (Instructor, place, day and time
04 - 22 Ocak 2021 Lisansüstü Programlara Başvuru, Önkayıtlar ve Değerlendirme
06 January 2020 Deadline to enter NA grades onto SIS
08 January 2021 Deadline for the 5th Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Instalment Plan)
08 January 2021 Deadline for the 2nd Instalment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (2 Instalment Plan)
09 January 2021 Last day of Classes
11 - 20 January 2021 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
22 January 2021 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System (SIS)
25 January 2021 Re-sit Exam Application
25 January - 05 February 2021 Spring Semester Transfer Application
27 - 29 January 2021 Re-sit Exam (Including School of Foreign Languages)
27 - 29 January 2021 Conditional Graduate Exams
30 January 2021 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Information System
02 February 2021 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
02 February 2021 End of Term
05 February 2021 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
08 February 2021 Deadline for the 6th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
10 February 2021 Announcement of Transfer Results
10 - 11 February 2021 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs )
12 February 2021 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam
12 February 2021 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
15 February 2021 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
22 February 2021 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students
26 February 2021 Midterm Exam, Final Exam Schedule Announcements
05 March 2021 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
08 March 2021 Deadline for course add – drop
08 March 2021 Deadline for the 7th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
12 March 2021 Deadline for late registration
05 April 2021 Deadline for Newly Registered International Students to add / drop courses
08 April 2021 Deadline for the 8th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
19-24 April 2021 Mid-term Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
23 April 2021 23 April 2021
27 April 2021 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
27-29 April 2021 Mid-term Make-up Exams
01 May 2021 National Holiday
11 May 2021 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
13 -15 May 2021 Religious Holiday
17 May 2021 Deadline for Specifying Summer School Courses and for submission to the Rectorate
19 May 2021 National Holiday
21 May 2021 Deadline to enter NA grades to the Student Information System
04 June 2021 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
07– 16 June 2021 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
18 June 2021 Re-sit Exam Applications
18 June 2021 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
22-23 – June 2021 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
22 – 24 June 2021 Conditional Graduation Make-up Exams
24 June 2021 Summer School Class Announcements (Instructor, venue, day and time)
24 June 2021 Deadline for Summer School Applications
24 June 2021 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Information System
25 June 2021 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
26 June 2021 End of Term
26 June 2021 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
24 – 26 June 2021 Course Registration
28 June 2021 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
15 July 2021 National Holiday
20 July 2021 National Holiday
20 July – 23 July 2021 Religious Holiday
01 August 2021 National Holiday
10 August 2021 End of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
11 - 13 August 2021 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
16 August 2021 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
17 August 2021 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
17 August 2021 End of Term
17 August 2021 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
30 August 2021 National Holiday
2019-2020 Academic Calendar
24 June – 29 August 2019 Fall Term Transfer Applications
24 June – 29 August 2019 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
12 July 2019 Deadline for specifying Fall Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and for submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2019 National Holiday
20 July 2019 National Holiday
26 July 2019 Announcement of Spring Term Classes (Instructor, place, day and time)
1 August 2019 National Holiday
11 – 14 August 2019 Religious Holiday
30 August 2019 Religious Holiday
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
06 September 2019 Announcement of Transfer Results
08 September 2019 Deadline for the first tuition fee payment including advance payments and first installments of the payment plans
17 September 2019 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 (Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
16 - 20 September 2019 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs - including Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry)
20 September 2019 Information Technology Exemption Exam (Time: 09:30)
20 September 2019 Computer Applications Exemption Exam (Time: 14:00)
20 September 2019 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
23 September 2019 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
24 September – 05 October 2019 Orientation Program for Freshers
30 September 2019 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 - Students are required to be at the exam hall at 09:00 for the morning session and 13:30 for the afternoon session)
01 October 2019 Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony and Commencement of Classes (For Newly registered students)
08 October 2019 Deadline for the 2nd Installment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
09 October 2019 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
11 October 2019 Deadline for course add – drop
25 October 2019 Deadline for Late Registration
29 October 2019 National Holiday
30 October 2019 Annoucement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
01 November 2019 Deadline for Newly Registered International Students to add / drop courses
08 November 2019 Deadline for the 3rd Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
09 November 2019 Religious Holiday
15 November 2019 National Holiday
18 – 23 November 2019 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
29 November 2019 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Infortmation System
02 - 04 December 2019 Midterm Make-up Exams
04 December 2019 Deadline for Specifying Spring Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and submission to the Rectorate
08 December 2019 Deadline for the 4th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
18 December 2019 Announcement of Spring Courses (Instructor, place, day and time)
20 December 2019 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
25 December 2019 Religious Holiday (Administrative Holiday for students)
27 December 2019 Deadline to enter NA grades onto SIS
01 January 2020 New Year Holiday
02 - 24 January 2020 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
03 January 2020 Last day of Classes
08 January 2020 Deadline for the 5th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
08 January 2020 Deadline fort he 2nd Installment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (2 Installment Plan)
06 – 15 January 2020 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
17 January 2020 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
20 January 2020 Re-sit Exam Application
22 - 24 January 2020 Re-sit Exam (Including School of Foreign Languages)
22 - 24 January 2020 Conditional Graduation Exam
25 January 2020 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Infortmation System
27 January 2020 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
27 January 2020 End of Term
29 Ocak 2020 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
27 January - 06 February 2020 Spring Semester Transfer Application
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
08 February 2020 Deadline for the 6th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
10 February 2020 Announcement of Transfer Results
13 - 14 February 2020 Course Registration (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs )
14 February 2020 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam
14 February 2020 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
17 February 2020 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
24 February 2020 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students
26 February 2020 Midterm Exam, Final Exam Schedule Announcements
05 March 2020 Deadline to change ‘I’ (Incomplete) grades from the previous semester
06 March 2020 Deadline for course add – drop
08 March 2020 Deadline for the 7th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
13 March 2020 Deadline for late registration
06 April 2020 Deadline for Newly Registered International Students to add / drop courses
08 April 2020 Deadline for the 8th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
13 – 18 April 2020 Mid-term Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages and Postgraduate Programs)
21 April 2020 Deadline to enter Midterm Exam to the Student Information System
22 – 24 April 2020 Mid-term Make-up Exams
23 April 2020 National Holiday
01 May 2020 National Holiday
15 May 2020 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
18 May 2020 Deadline for Specifying Summer School Courses and for submission to the Rectorate
19 May 2020 National Holiday
22 May 2020 Deadline to enter NA grades to the Student Information System
23 -26 May 2020 Religious Holiday
29 May 2020 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
01 June – 10 June 2020 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
12 June 2020 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
12 June 2020 Deadline for Summer School Applications
15 June 2020 Re-sit Exam Applications
16 – 20 June 2020 Re-sit Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
16 – 20 June 2020 Conditional Graduation Exams
19 June 2020 Summer School Class Announcements (Instructor, venue, day and time)
22 June 2020 Deadline to enter Re-sit Exam to the Student Information System
22 June 2020 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
22 June 2020 End of Term
22 June 2020 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
24 – 26 June 2020 Course Registration
29 June 2020 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
15 July 2019 National Holiday
20 July 2020 National Holiday
31 July – 03 August 2020 Religious Holiday
01 August 2020 National Holiday
04 August 2020 End of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
04 - 08 August 2020 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
11 August 2020 Deadline to enter Final Exam to the Student Information System
12 August 2020 Deadline for the Submission of Letter Grades to the Deans Office
12 August 2020 End of Term
12 August 2020 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
30 August 2020 National Holiday
2018-2019 Academic Calendar
25 June – 31 August 2018 25 June – 31 August 2018
25 June – 31 August 2018 Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation for Postgraduate Programs
12 July 2018 Deadline for Specifying Fall Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and for submission to the Rectorate
15 July 2018 National Holiday
20 July 2018 National Holiday
26 July 2018 Announcement of Spring Term Classes (Instructor, place, day and time)
1 August 2018 National Holiday
National Holiday Religious Holiday
30 August 2018 National Holiday
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
5 September 2018 Announcement of Transfer Results
05 - 07 September 2018 Faculty of Law – Re-sit Exams
08 September 2018 Deadline for first tuition fee payment including advance payments and first installments of payment plans
18 September 2018 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00 (Students are required to be at their exam halls at 09:00 for the morning session, at 13:30 for the afternoon session)
17 - 21 September 2018 Course Registration
21 September 2018 Information Technology Exemption Exam (Time: 09:30)
21 September 2018 Computer Applications Exemption Exam (Time: 14:00)
24 September 2018 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
25 September 2018 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
25 September – 7 October 2018 Orientation Program for Freshers
26 September 2018 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students (Morning Session 09:30, Afternoon Session 14:00- Students are required to be at their exam halls at 09:00 for the morning session, at 13:30 for the afternoon session)
01 October 2018 Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony and Commencement of Classes
08 October 2018 Deadline for the 2nd Installment payment for the Annual Tuition Fee ( 8 Installment Plan)
10 -12 October 2018 Course Registration (Postgraduate Students)
12 October 2018 Deadline for course add – drop
15 October 2018 Commencement of classes (Postgraduate Students)
26 October 2018 Deadline for Late Registration
29 October 2018 National Holiday
30 October 2018 Annoucement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
02 November 2018 Deadline for Newly Registered International Students to add / drop courses
08 November 2018 Deadline for the 3rd Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
15 November 2018 National Holiday
20 November 2018 Religious Holiday
19 – 24 November 2018 Midterm (Including School of Foreign Languages)
28 November 2018 Midterm – Last day to enter SIS
03 - 05 December 2018 Midterm Make-up Exams
04 December 2018 Deadline for Specifying Spring Term Courses (Instructor, place, day and time) and submission to the Rectorate
08 December 2018 Deadline for the 4th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
18 December 2018 Announcement of Spring Courses (Instructor, place, day and time)
21 December 2018 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
25 December 2018 Religious Holiday
01 January 2019 New Year Holiday
02 - 26 January 2019 Postgraduate Program Application, Pre-registration and Evaluation
04 January 2019 Last day of Classes
08 January 2019 Deadline for the 5th Installment Payment for the Annual Tuition Fee ( 8 Installment Plan)
07 – 16 January 2019 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
18 January 2019 Final Exam – Last day to enter SIS
21 January 2019 Re-sit Exam Application
22 - 24 January 2019 Re-sit Exam (Including School of Foreign Languages)
25 January 2019 Re-sit Exam – Last day to enter SIS
25 January 2019 Deadline for Submission of Letter Grades
25 January 2019 End of Term
29 January 2019 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
25 January - 06 February 2019 Spring Term Transfer Application
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
07 February 2019 Announcement of Transfer Results
07 -08 February 2019 Course Registration
07 February 2019 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam
08 February 2019 Deadline for the 6th Installment Payment for Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan )
11 February 2019 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
23 February 2019 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
25 February 2019 English Proficiency / Exemption Exam for Newly Registered International Students
26 February 2019 Midterm Exam, Final Exam Schelude Announcements
27 February – 01 March 2019 Course Registration (Postgraduate Students)
01 March 2019 Deadline for course add – drop
04 March 2019 Commencement of Classes (Postgraduate Students)
08 March 2019 Deadline for late registration
08 March 2019 Deadline for the 7th Installment Payment for Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
1 April 2019 Deadline for Newly Registered International Students to add / drop courses
08 April 2019 Deadline for the 8th Installment Paymet for Annual Tuition Fee (8 Installment Plan)
08 – 13 April 2019 Midterm Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
22 April 2019 Midterm Exams – Last day to enter SIS
22 – 25 April 2019 Midterm Make-up Exams
22 - 26 April 2019 Summer School application
23 April 2019 National Holiday
01 May 2019 National Holiday
10 May 2019 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
17 May 2019 Deadline for Specifying Summer School Courses and for submission to the Rectorate
17 May 2019 NA Grades - Last day to enter SIS
19 May 2019 National Holiday
21 May 2019 Last Day of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
22 May – 01 June 2019 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
03 June 2019 Final Exams – Last day to enter SIS
04 -07 June 2019 Religious Holiday
10 June 2019 Re-sit Exam Applications
11 – 14 June 2019 Make-up Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
14 June 2019 Summer School Class Announcements (Instructor, place, day and time)
15 June 2019 Re-sit Exam – Last day to enter SIS
15 June 2019 Last day of Submission of Letter Grades
17 June 2019 End of Term
18 June 2019 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
26 – 28 June 2019 Course Registration
01 July 2019 Commencement of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
20 July 2019 National Holiday
01 August 2019 National Holiday
02 August 2019 End of Classes (Including School of Foreign Languages)
05 – 07 August 2019 Final Exams (Including School of Foreign Languages)
08 August 2019 Final Exams – Last day to enter SIS
09 August 2019 Last day of Submission of Letter Grades
10 August 2019 End of Term
13 August 2019 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
30 August 2019 National Holiday
2017 - 2018 Academic Year
Key Dates And Deadlines For Fall Term
5 September 2017 Announcement of Transfer Results
5 - 8 September 2017 Course Registration
5 - 8 September 2017 Faculty of Law Re-sit Exams
11 September 2017 Commencement of Classes
11 September 2017 English Proficiency Exam - Part I (Placement Test)
13 September 2017 Announcement of Midterm and Final Exam Schedule
1 Ağustos 2020 K.K.T.C. Toplumsal Direniş Bayramı ve T.M.T.’nin Kuruluş Yıldönümü
15 September 2017 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
18 September 2017 Faculty of Law - Commencement of classes
25 September 2017 Deadline for course add-drop
6 October 2017 Deadline for Late Registration
13 October 2017 Deadline for course add-drop
for new International students
13 October 2017 Deadline for course withdrawal
26 - 28 October 2017 DLC Midterm Exam
29 October 2017 National Holiday
30 October - 3 November 2017 Midterm Exams
15 November 2017 National Holiday
17 November 2017 Midterm Exams - Last day to enter SIS
20 - 22 November 2017 Midterm Make-up Exams
20 - 22 November 2017 DLC Midterm Make-up Exams
30 November 2017 Religious Holiday
4 December 2017 Deadline for specifying courses (instructor, place, day and time)
to be offered for Spring Semester and for submission to the Rectorate
18 December 2017 Announcement of courses (instructor, place, day and time)
to be offered for Spring Semester
20 December 2017 End of Classes
18 - 20 December 2017 DLC Final Exams
21 - 30 December 2017 Final Exams
25 December 2017 Religious Holiday
1 January 2018 New Year Holiday
2 - 26 January 2018 Application, preregistration and evaluation
for Postgraduate Programs
5 January 2018 Final Exams-Last day to enter SIS
8 - 10 January 2018 Re-sit Exams
11 January 2018 Re-sit Exams - Last day to enter SIS
15 January 2018 Deadline for Submission of Letter Grades
15 - 28 January 2018 Application for Spring Semester Transfer
16 January 2018 End of Term
17 January 2018 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
29 January 2018 Postgraduate English Proficiency Exam
Key Dates And Deadlines For Spring Term
29 January 2018 Announcement of Transfer Results
29 - 31 January 2018 Course Registration
30 January 2018 English Proficiency Exam
1 February 2018 Commencement of Classes
2 February 2018 Announcement of Midterm Exam, Final Exam Schedule
2 February 2018 Announcement of DLC Midterm Exam Schedule
16 February 2018 Deadline for course add-drop
23 February 2018 Deadline for Late Registration
18 March 2018 Deadline for Course Withdrawal
22 - 24 March 2018 DLC Midterm Exam
26 - 31 March 2018 Midterm Exams
13 April 2018 Midterm Exam Last day to enter SIS
16 - 18 April 2018 Midterm Make-up Exams
16 - 18 April 2018 DLC Midterm Make-up Exam
23 April 2018 National Holiday
26 - 30 April 2018 Summer school application
1 May 2018 National Holiday
10 - 12 May 2018 DLS Final Exams
11 May 2018 End of Classes
14 - 23 May 2018 Final Exams
16 May 2018 Deadline for specifying courses (instructor, place, day and time)
to be offered in Summer School and for submission to the Rectorate
19 May 2018 National Holiday
1 June 2018 Final Exams - Last day to enter SIS
4 -6 June 2018 Re-sit Exam
7 June 2018 Make-up Exam-Last day to enter SIS
7 June 2018 End of Term
7 June 2018 Deadline for Submission of Letter Grades
8 June 2018 Diploma Date and Graduation Ceremony
11 June 2018 Announcement of courses (instructor, place, day and time)
to be offered for Summer School
Key Dates And Deadlines For Summer School
25 - 16 June 2018 Course Registration
27 June 2018 Commencement of Classes
20 July 2018 National Holiday
1 August 2018 National Holiday
14 August 2018 End of Classes
15 - 17 August 2018 Final Exams
20 - 24 August 2018 Religious Holiday
28 August 2018 Final Exams - Last day to enter SIS
29 August 2018 End of Term
30 August 2018 National Holiday
31 August 2018 Diploma Date