Free course opportunity for TRNC citizen students studying abroad (22 April 2020)

University of Kyrenia will be offering free registration up to three courses, related to their departments, to TRNC citizen students who are studying abroad but who had to return to Northern Cyprus due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the statement made by the University of Kyrenia Press and Public Relations Directorate, it has been announced that students who had to return to TRNC due to the Covid-19 pandemic could enrol to three courses free of charge in accordance with their curriculum. Students will be exempted from these courses in their Universities in accordance with the International Credit System. TRNC citizens who would like to benefit from the University of Kyrenia online education courses can register by signing up for an username and password via

Free course opportunity from University of Kyrenia for TRNC Citizen Students who have to suspend their education abroad due to Covid – 19 Pandemic
University of Kyrenia General Secretary Fehmi Tokay stated that is a very difficult and troublesome process and they would like to make a contribution to students who had to suspend their education and return to TRNC due to the pandemic. Tokay stated that face-to-face education was interrupted due to the pandemic, and that this opportunity offered by University of Kyrenia was initiated in order to relief TRNC students who had to suspend their education and to provide support to their education processes as much as possible.

Reminding that they, as University of Kyrenia, will continue their education online remotely during the Spring Semester, Fehmi Tokay stated that with the Covid -19 outbreak, they offered free registration up to 3 courses in line with their curriculum to TRNC students who had to leave the country they are studying and return to our country.