University of Kyrenia Signed Stupendous Protocols of Cooperation in Bishkek
Date Added: 22 May 2016, 19:35
Last Updated Date:06 December 2016, 11:38

Girne Üniversitesi Bişkek'te Dev İşbirliği Protokollerine İmza Attı

Academic Cooperation Protocols Signed Between the University of Kyrenia and 26 Universities

Academic cooperation protocols signed between the University of Kyrenia and 26 universities at 6th Ordinary Meeting of General Assembly of Caucasus Universities Union held in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyztan.

According to a press info released by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of the University of Kyrenia, following the General Assembly Meeting of Caucasus Universities Union, comprehensive academic cooperation protocols were signed between the University of Kyrenia and 26 universities coming from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Ukraine and Kyrgyztan.

Dr. Suat İ. GÜnsel signed the academic cooperation protocols on behalf of Mrs. Cemre Günsel HASKASAP, Founding Rector of University of Kyrenia, with Rectors of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Erzincan University, Erzurum Technical University, Bartın University, Sinop University, Tunceli University, Bayburt University, Uşak University, Kilis 7 December University, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Ordu University, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Mustafa Kemal University, Başkent University, International Islamic Azad University (Iran), Unıversıty Of Charkh-I Nılofarı (İran), Ardabil University Of Medical Sciences, Islamıc Azad University Of Marand, University Of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Siirt University, Niğde University, Moheg Education (Iran), Unıversity Of Applied Sciences And Technology (Iran), Azerbaijan State Aqrar University, and Research And Applied Institute (Iran).

Girne Üniversitesi Bişkek'te Dev İşbirliği Protokollerine İmza Attı

Dr. Suat İ. GÜNSEL; “The protocols we have signed will provide great benefits to our region and Caucasia”

Dr. Suat. İ. GÜNSEL, following the ceremony, delivered a speech to rectors and said, “With these academic cooperation protocols, we have further developed the cooperation so far existing within the scope of Caucasia Universities Union, and these protocols will now greatly contribute to sharing of knowledge, development of joint projects and other relevant events that will be held in both our region and in Caucasia. In this respect, developing joint projects between the universities, conducting research and coming up with publications as well as student and staff exchange is specially important in developing such cooperations.

At the ceremony, Dr. Suat İ. GÜNSEL, 26 university rectors, NEU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Fahreddin SADIKOĞLU and Mr. Hüseyin TURAN, Director of NEU Press and Public Relations Directorate.