University of Kyrenia Faculty of Dentistry Fall Symposium Has Been Held
Date Added: 25 November 2021, 16:18

University of Kyrenia Faculty of Dentistry Fall Symposium was held on 21November 2021 Sunday, at the Grand Library Congress Hall.

University of Kyrenia Faculty of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery lecturer Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Seçer, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Specialist Dr. Dt. Orhan Gülen, Sakarya University Faculty of Dentistry Periodontology Department Lecturer Dr. Doğukan Yılmaz and European University of Lefke Department of Restorative Dentistry Faculty Member İsmail Sadıkoğlu attended the symposium as speaker.

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Dental Hospital Chief Physician and Dean of University of Kyrenia Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Serap Çetiner and the academic staff as well as the students attended the symposium, which attracted great attention and opened with a moment of silence that followed by the National Anthem.

The University of Kyrenia Faculty of Dentistry Fall Symposium, which spread throughout the day and where the students took an active role in the presentation and session chair continued with question and answer sessions and ended with the presentation of plaques to the speakers and a group photo shoot.

Prof. Dr. Serap Çetiner: “We will continue to bring our students together with experts in their fields through such academic events.”
Speaking at the beginning of the symposium, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Serap Çetiner thanked all speakers and participants.

Reminding that due to the pandemic conditions, they could not organize such events face to face in the past period, Prof. Dr. Çetiner stated that organizing this symposium just before the 22nd November Dentistry Day, which is celebrated for the 113th time this year, has a special meaning for them.

Reminding that University of Kyrenia Faculty of Dentistry students have the opportunity to receive training both in fully equipped laboratories and at the Dr. Suat Günsel.University of Kyrenia Dental Hospital, Prof. Dr. Serap Çetiner stated that they will continue to bring students together with experts in their fields through such academic events.

At the end of her speech, Prof. Dr. Çetiner thanked all the symposium speakers.

During the symposium Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Seçer made a presentation titled ‘New Methodology in Science: Connective Integrity’ while Dr. Dt. Orhan Gülen gave a speech on ‘What Should We Pay Attention While Reading Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)?’ and Dr. Doğukan Yılmaz on “The Role of Periodontology in the Anterior Aesthetic Zone”.
Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail Sadıkoğlu, on the other hand, in his speech titled as ‘Dental Photography 101: Understanding the Light’, included practical application examples as well as theoretical information.