‘University of Kyrenia 2019 – 2020 Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony’ has been held online on Friday 19th of June 2020
University of Kyrenia Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu, Vice Rectors, General Secretary, Chief Physicians, Deans, Vice Deans, Department Heads, academicians, administrative staff, families and guests attended the online ceremony.
After a minute of silence followed by the national anthem, the ceremony started with the opening speech presented by our Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu who greeted all the participants.
Salihoğlu stated that they held the ceremony online due to the pandemic, which affected the whole world and expressed his hopes to be able to come together for the 2020 – 2021 Fall Term Graduation Ceremony that is being planned to take place on the 29th of January 2021.
Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu underlined that academic staff and families have a great contribution to the success of the students today and that they see the graduates as goodwill ambassadors and always expect good news from them.
2019 – 2020 Spring Semester top student of the university Ahmet Biçen from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Social Services, Feliz Prince Mabika from the Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences Department of Aviation Management, Ömer Özkan from the Maritime Academy, and Aleyna Avşar from the Faculty of Education Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance expressed their feelings by presenting a speech on behalf of all the graduates.
In the next part of the ceremony which has been presented by Fatma Çoşkun Özlatif from the Communication and Corporate Relations Department and Pembe Omorfolu from the International Office, the graduates from the following faculties have been announced; Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Maritime Management, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maritime Academy, Vocational School of Maritime and Vocational School of Health Services.
At the end of the online ceremony, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation graduates under the leadership of the Head of the Department Asst. Prof. Özge Çakır, Nursing Department graduates, under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Gürsel Öztunç and Vocational School of Health Services graduates under the leadership of the Director of the Vocational School Prof. Dr. Arzu Babayiğit recited their oath together.
During the online ceremony in which emotional moments were experienced students, academic staff and guests shared their feelings through online messages
1. İlkay Hoca Mezuniyet Toreni Konuşma Metni
2. Mezuniyet Konuşması Ahmet Biçen
4. Mezuniyet Konuşması Ömer Özkan
5. Aleyna 2020 Bahar Mezun Konuşması