The importance of weight optimazition and the aviation materials and mechanics seminar
Date Added: 17 May 2019, 09:22

University of Kyrenia Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences organized a seminar on the importance of weight optimization and Aviation Materials and Mechanics .

Academicians and students were interested in the seminar which Asst.  Prof. Tamer Saraçyakupoğlu participated as a speaker. In the first session of the seminar, Saraçyakupoğlu talked about the importance of weight optimization for pilots and the history of flight adventures, the forces affecting the flight, the balance issues and the categorization based on the weight of the aircraft.

In the second part of the seminar, Asst. Prof.  Tamer Saraçyakupoğlu gave a presentation on aircraft materials and mechanics, including topics such as weight and power, aircraft materials from the past to the present, new technologies and morphing wings, environmental and operational issues.

Saraçyakupoğlu also gave examples from his own experiences and ended the seminar with a question and answer session.