Ra 25 Multipurpose Sports Hall of the Near East University was opened with the ceremony held today
Date Added: 09 October 2014, 22:47
Last Updated Date:06 December 2016, 11:38

RA 25 Multipurpose Sports Hall has received the approval of all respective international organizations including FIBA, FIVB, IHF, BWF and NBA

Deputy Prime Minister and Economy, Tourism, Culture and Sports Minister Serdar Denktaş, NEU Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel, Board of Trustees Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel, NEU Rector Prof. Dr. Ümit Hassan, vice rectors, deans, academic staff, NEU athletes and students attended the opening ceremony of RA 25 Multipurpose Sports Hall which bears the name of the solar powered vehicle produced by the Near East University.

The opening ceremony was initiated with a moment of silence followed by the national anthem. In His opening speech, Hakan Atamtürk, the Head of Health, Culture and Sports Office and Sports Club of NEU, stated that the heart of sports would beat in NEU from now on.

Highlighting that a very important facility was brought into being for sportsmen and sports enthusiasts, Atamtürk noted that the day was a rejoicing day for everyone who esteems sports.

Touching upon that October 9 is the birthday of Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Günsel, the Chairman of NEU Board of Trustees, “On his birthday, Günsel has given a very precious gift to country’s sports” said Atamtürk.

Hakan Atamtürk noted that they would sacrifice every effort to gift championships to Günsel in return.

During his speech, NEU Board of Trustees Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Günsel said that sports was the criterion of a country’s development, adding that investments aiming to ensure sports infrastructure at international standards would form the basis of a healthy society.

Highlighting NEU’s commitment to paving the way for country’s sports to move forward, Günsel said. “NEU-RA 25 Sports Hall, which has been designed to ensure all conditions required to carry out many sports activities including basketball, handball, volleyball and badminton, has received the approval of all respective organizations including FIBA, FIVB, IHF, .BWF and NBA. As an indicator of NEU’s sensitivity towards the persons with special needs, NEU-RA 25 is optimized to provide opportunities for persons with physical disabilities to participate in indoor multipurpose sports hall applications.”

Underlining that the Sports Hall would be a very significant infrastructure in creating the future of Turkish Cypriots, Günsel reiterated that the hall bears the name NEU-RA 25, the first solar powered vehicle produced by the R&D teams of NEU.

During his speech, the Deputy Prime Minister and Economy, Tourism, Culture and Sports Minister Serdar Denktaş said that İrfan Günsel, on his birthday, prepared a great gift for Turkish Cypriot athletes and the young people of NEU.

Expressing that he felt happiness as the federations in TRNC would be able to benefit from the RA 25 Sports Hall, Denktaş noted that making up the shortfalls through establishing cooperation and solidarity between the governmental and private institutions would help the furtherance of the country.

Denktaş extended his thanks to NEU’s administrative for providing the hall with standards that enable the handicapped to use the hall easily and participate in sportive activities. This is completely in the line with “Barrier-free Tourism Island” project” said he.

Following his speech, Denktaş was presented a plaque by NEU Board of Trustees Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel.

Upon the completion of the speeches, the Deputy Prime Minister and Economy, Tourism, Culture and Sports Minister Serdar Denktaş along with NEU Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel, Board of Trustees Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel, and the administrative staff entered the hall and watched the first match that took place between NEU and MAPFREE.