Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department’s Studies with Children
Date Added: 14 May 2019, 15:04

A group of students from University of Kyrenia Faculty of Education Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance met with children at the Arabahmet İyilik Evi ( Favor House) of Cyprus Directorate of Foundations , within the scope of the Community Service Practice course.

The event was organized with the aim of contributing to the psychosocial development of children under the leadership of Asst. Prof.  Mehmet Beyazsaçlı. Melis Kurtar, Aleyna Atalı, Yeşil Özbek, Gaye Yılmaz and Sevgi Boran students from the Psychological Counselling and Guidance department participated in this event.

Participating students stated that they have aimed to help children to communicate more positively with the use of different activities such as psychodrama, music, basketball, football and chess and also to improve their social skills.