Özay Günsel Children’s University 2021 Summer Term Closing Ceremony will be held at 10.00 at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center on August 26 with the participation of President Ersin Tatar’s Wife Sibel Tatar.
Date Added: 16 August 2021, 08:49
Last Updated Date:01 September 2021, 10:50

The summer term education program carried out by Özay Günsel Children’s University for children aged 6-17 is coming to an end. Students, who have been separated from their schools and friends for a long time due to the pandemic, came together in the summer program of Özay Günsel Children’s University and had a useful preparation period before starting the new education period with fun activities.

The closing ceremony of the 2021 summer term, which continues with face-to-face training, will also be held face-to-face. At the Closing Ceremony, students will be awarded bronze, silver and gold certificates according to the credits they have collected. The ceremony to be held at 10:00 am at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center on Thursday, August 26, 2021, will be held with the participation of President Ersin Tatar’s wife, Sibel Tatar.

Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli: “We prepared our students mentally and physically for the new education period that will start in September with the summer term education program”
Reminding that children have been educated in front of the computer in a distance education process, Özay Günsel Children’s University Rector Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli said, “One of the most important goals of our face-to-face summer term education, by meticulously applying all the health measures required by the pandemic, was to create a quality and instructive-entertaining social opportunity for our students. We have successfully accomplished this goal. After spending a whole year at the computer with online education, our children enjoyed socializing with their peers, nature and the sea, they made their own robots, they designed their own houses and rooms, they prepared creams for their mothers, they learned about their grandmother’s medicines, and they improved their health with sports and dance activities.”

Stating that the students had a quality and enjoyable time with many activities from science, art, music to dance and water sports during the summer term education program, Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli said, “We have prepared our students mentally and physically for the new education period, which will start in September. We will crown the summer term training we have completed with the closing ceremony that we will hold with the participation of Mrs. Sibel Tatar, the wife of our President Ersin Tatar.”