Near East University was among the most successful universities in the list where the international visibility of scientific studies produced by universities and the citations of their publications were analyzed. Near East University ranked 939th in the world ranking in the list of world universities ranked by Webometrics, and ranked among the top thousand universities worldwide. Near East University is the fourth biggest private university among the private universities of Turkey and the first in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
The list prepared according to the number of citations of scientific articles published by academicians is an important list in terms of revealing the quality of scientific publications published by the universities.
Near East University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Irfan Suat Günsel pointed out that in the list published in the Webometrics in accordance with the number of citations, Near East University ranked 4h among the private universities in Turkey, the first in TRNC, and took part among the top thousand universities worldwide, and this an important indication of high-quality scientific information produced by Near East University. Stating that Near East University combines the scientific content produced by R&D activities, innovative and local technologies, Prof. Dr. Günsel said, “As a university, we will continue to contribute to science, research, humanity, and society in real terms”.
Stating that the number of scientific articles of Near East University increased five times with the transformation they started five years ago, Prof. Dr. Günsel said that they will continue to provide important support to academicians and researchers in scientific project development and research. Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “We, as Near East University, continue to work to create a suitable ecosystem so that our academic staff can increase their scientific productivity with the opportunities and support we provide.” Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel emphasized that their goal is to rank among the top 500 universities in the world on the same list and to maintain this success permanently.
Expressing that Near East University attaches great importance to interdisciplinary research and studies, Near East University Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that this success is the result of intensive and systematic work.
Stating that they have taken important steps in publications, patents and product development, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said “In the measurements carried out by Webometrics on Google Scholar this year Near East University took place among the top thousand world universities, ranked fourth in Turkey and first in the TRNC in terms of research, academic resource presention, industrial connections, international vision and, this is an important indicator that reveals the quality of the teaching staff”.
The world university ranking prepared by Webometrics based on the Google Scholar citation numbers of scientists can be reached at