Near East Enterprises Hospitals started stem cell therapy for the first time in Cyprus
Date Added: 10 November 2022, 15:34

Stem cell therapy started to be applied for the first time in the TRNC by the "Cell Tissue and Regenerative Applications and Research Center" established in cooperation with Near East University Hospital, Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital and Stembio.

The “Cell Tissue and Regenerative Applications and Research Center” was established in cooperation with Near East University Hospital, Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital and Stembio, a new-generation biotechnology company operating in the field of cord blood, cell and tissue technologies in Turkey. In the center, which is the first and only in this field in the TRNC, tissue and cellular treatments have begun to be carried out. At the center, at the first stage stem cell therapy was applied to 6 patients in the branches of orthopedics, plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, urology, gynecology and obstetrics, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Treatment applications, which have entered the literature under the name of "Regenerative" or "Renovative" medicine, give hope to patients by healing the damage caused by injuries and chronic diseases in tissues and organs. Advances in regenerative medicine play a major role in the prevention of damage in the field of preventive medicine, as well as in the treatment of subsequent damage due to injuries and diseases. In treatment applications, cells obtained from sources such as blood, bone marrow or adipose tissue in the person's own body can be injected into damaged tissues and organs, and stem cells from the cord tissue of newborn babies can be used for cellular therapy in suitable patients. Thus, the damaged tissue and organ functions in the body are regenerated.

It was applied to 6 patients in the first stage!
Developing health technologies at the cellular and molecular levels is shaping the future of medicine. The "Cell Tissue and Regenerative Applications and Research Center", established in cooperation with Near East University Hospital, Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital and Stembio, to apply stem cell treatments and develop new technologies in this field, will provide services in the fields of cord blood banking, tissue banking, stem cell production and banking and clinical applications.

Regenerative Medicine treatments, which provide support for the treatment of many diseases that threaten human health, can also be applied in the TRNC by Near East Hospitals. In the first applications performed by Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Eray Copcu, Founder and General Medical Director of Stembio Prof. Dr. Utku Ateş and Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital physicians, 6 patients were successfully treated.

Stem cell therapy gives hope to many diseases!
There is a wide range of diseases for which regenerative medicine can provide additional treatment. In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, it can be applied in cases where the egg reserve is insufficient, the endometrium (womb) is not developed, and the need for genital aesthetics. In orthopedics, cartilage tissue problems, muscle and tendon-like soft tissue injuries and early-stage degenerative joint diseases are the most common problems in which stem cell therapy is used.

The treatment is also used in the treatment of burn scars in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, in breast reconstruction (breast restructuring), in treatment of diabetic foot wounds, non-healing wounds, non-healing wounds in tissues and organs with impaired nutrition, in urology, sexual insufficiency (erection) problem, peyronie's (penis stiffness) disease and urinary incontinence complaints. In the field of dermatology, it creates a strong alternative for anti-aging treatments, facial and body filler treatments and the treatment of scars.

Prof. Dr. Müfit C. Yenen: “We offer effective and reliable adjunctive treatment methods for our patients.”
Near East University Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Müfit C. Yenen said, “We want to offer effective and reliable auxiliary treatment alternatives for our patients in the treatment of diseases for which conventional medicine is insufficient. It is among our goals to bring health technologies that develop in the world at the cellular and molecular level to our country and to pioneer innovative technologies in this field.”

Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı: “We aim to provide clinical use in many areas.”
Expressing that they are investing in the future of medicine in Cyprus, Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital chief physician Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı, on the other hand, said that they provide the most up-to-date cellular applications in the field of health, and the Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital will be a light of hope for the patients in this issue.