Near East College, Near East Yeniboğaziçi College and Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia College Scholarship Ranking and Entrance Exam Results Announced
Date Added: 07 June 2021, 09:06
Last Updated Date:22 June 2021, 08:46

The “Scholarship Ranking and Entrance Exam” administered by Near East College for the 2021-2022 academic year was held on Saturday, June 5, in two sessions. In the first session of the exam held for Near East College, Near East Yeniboğaziçi College, and Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia College, the students answered 30 Mathematics, 10 Social Studies, 10 Science questions; In the second session, they answered 30 Turkish and 20 English questions.

145 students granted a scholarship, including 31 students granted Dr. Suat Günsel Scholarship
As a result of the exam, 31 students who are entitled to receive the Dr. Suat Günsel Scholarship will also receive an allowance of 500 TL every month for 9 months, without paying any tuition fees, and continue to study at Near East College, Near East Yeniboğaziçi College and Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia College. In addition, 25 students were entitled to receive full scholarship, 27 students half scholarship, and 62 students quarter scholarship. Thus, 145 out of 650 students who took the exam were entitled to receive a scholarship.

Don’t miss the registration date!
Until June 18, 2021, students who were granted Dr. Suat Günsel Scholarship and other types of scholarships must apply to Near East College, Near East Yeniboğaziçi College and Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia College and complete their registration process in order not to lose their right to full, half and quarter education scholarships.