Measures to Protect Children from Diseases
Date Added: 10 February 2017, 10:24
Last Updated Date:15 February 2017, 06:41

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Galip Çelik from Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Pediatric Department emphasized the importance of how children who are physically and mentally tired after school term needs a good resting period and delivered information about precautionary measures for the protection of children against various diseases and information needed to be considered for their health.

Follow Your Health!

Regular health exams are crucial for ensuring healthy growth and development of the individual, for healthy generations and healthy communities. Routine health checks play a key role in avoiding of many adult illnesses such as hypertension, obesity, heart and diabetes that begin in childhood as well as monitoring healthy growth and development of infants. Growth monitoring, evaluation of standard growth curves andearly detection of abnormalities to prevent permanent damage are essential parts of health care in children.
Every healthy child must go through routine health checks from birth to 6 months every month, from 6 months to 2 years every 3 months, between the ages of 2- 6 every year, and after 6 years every 2 years. For children between the ages of 1-16, a physical examination is first performed by pediatrician than information about child’s health history is taken from the family to question the specific and chronic illnesses in the family.

Recommended health examinations should be determined according to the characteristics of the child

During the examination, development of the child is checked by measuring weight and height. Detailed systemic examination and blood pressure measurement are also performed. Between 6 months and 1 year old complete urinalysis,complete blood cell count andserum iron capacity is checked. These tests can be repeated if there is a problem in the following years. Complete blood cell count, iron level, complete urinalysis, blood cholesterol level, parasite exam may be necessary during preschool period.The content of the exams may change depending on the child’s health condition and disease burden.If there is any suspicion of recurrent infections or allergic diseases, examination should be done by allergy and immunology specialist andimmune system-related diseases testsor allergy tests should be performed.

It’s important to complete vaccinations

All vaccinations recommended by the ministry of health should be done (in first 24 months) and after 4 years old combination vaccine and measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox vaccines need to be repeated. Flu vaccination recommended not for every child but at defined risk groups. Vaccinations that are followed up more closely during infancy can be missed after child starts school or as the frequency of doctor control decreases during the growth period.

Be careful with these!

There are many things that parents should pay attention for their children’s health.

  • Keep your child away from junk food;instead of fast-food it’s important to develop healthy eating habits in your child which should be rich in vegetables, fruits, milk and vitamins.
  • Attention should be paid to the regular sleep pattern and the regular life forthe child’s physical and physiological health.
  • To reduce amount of time your children spends in front of television, computer or tablet direct them to activities such as; sports, music, reading books.
  • Problems must be solved with dialogue and by giving the child the opportunity to express their wishes and thoughts.