For the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, sculptor Talgat Zhumagulov created his statues, one of which named “Owl”, which is the sacred bird of Turkish nomadic people, and the other one named “Transition” which depicts the travels; artist Mirvokhid Mirsaidov depicted the Great Inn in Nicosia and Larnaca Castle in Larnaca, and artist Muratjon Urmanov portrayed the historical and touristic places of Cyprus, consisting of the Ancient City of Salamis and the St. Barnabas Church in Famagusta, and presented them to the art lovers.
According to the information given by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, according to the artist Talgat Zhumagulov, the statue named ‘Owl’, which has taken its place in front of the Near East University Hospital, is a symmetrical composition, and its main elements are holes in the wings and the bird head. Saying that the Owl is a sacred bird of the Turkish nomadic people, the artist stated that this bird moves at night and has an extraordinary vision, and is a symbol of wisdom and sharp vision in human life.
Again, the artist Talgat Zhumagulov stated regarding the statue named “Transition” that Transition is a journey, moving from one place to another and is a link between time and space. The statue has taken its place in front of İrfan Günsel Congress Center. In this composition, the artist depicts a nomad’s sense of movement. He does this using the rider and the opening in the middle of the composition as a symbol. The artist emphasizes that this symbol is the most important point of the composition, because the passenger always transitions from one place to another.
St.Barnabas Church, Salamis Ancient City, Larnaca Castle and Great Inn are depicted as the historical and touristic places of Cyprus.
Painting artist Mirvokhid Mirsaidov and Muratjon Urmanov painted the historical and touristic sites of Cyprus for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts.
Painting artist Mirvokhid Mirsaidov painted the Great Inn in Nicosia and Larnaka Castle in Larnaca, and artist Muratjon Urmanov painted Salamis Ancient City and St. Barnabas Monastery in Famagusta.
Who is sculptor Talgat Zhumagulov?
He was born in Semey, Kazakhstan, in 1987. He studied at Abay Humane College between 2002-2006. Between 2007 and 2012, he completed his education at the T.K. Zurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. Among the activities he attended;
2008 – International “Delphic Games” festival in Almaty,
2009 – “Independence Day” exhibition,
2010 – International Symposium of Students of Independent State Community countries held in Moscow city,
2013 – International snow and ice Symposium “Eight Lakes” organized in the city of Almaty,
2014 – St. International Ice Festival “Ice Tale” held in St. Petersburg,
2015 – Stone symposium “City Day” in Uralsk,
2015 – The exhibition, organized in the city of Almaty, dedicated to 550 years of Kazakh Khanate for the innovation of style, he was awarded with the “Medal of Honor”,
2015 – International ice and snow festival held in the city of Khorgos,
2016 – “International sand sculptures festival” held in Cholpon-ata city, “Golden sand of Issyk-Kul II”
2018 – Sculptural projects exhibition organized by ‘Santo – Reception House’ in Almaty,
2018 – “Kazakhstan Statue” exhibition, held at Almaty Art Center, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
2018 – “Energy” held at the A. Kasteev State Art Museum in Almaty, “Youth Art” international young artist competition.
Who is Mirvokhid Mirsaidov?
He was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 1988. Between 2004-2007, he studied at the Easel Painting Department of P.P. Berkov Republic College, and then he studied at the Painting Department of Kamaliddin Bekzad Institute between 2007-2011, and at the Painting Department at Kamaliddin Bekzad Institute in 2013. Since 2013, he has been serving as a senior teacher at P.P. Benkov Republic College. He has been a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2018. Artist Mirvokhid Mirsaidov is a regular participant of the republican exhibitions; He was awarded a silver medal for attending many events and exhibitions.
Who is Muratjon Urmanov?
He was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 1957. He is a member of the Uzbekistan Artists Association. Between 1970-1976, he studied at the boarding republican art school, Monumental Painting Department of the Theater Art Institute from 1976 to 1981. He participated in the decoration of Berlin in 1996-1998. Between 2000 and 2010, he served as the director of the Sergey Barodin Museum. He participated in the creative association “Play Tasviriy” in 2010-2015. Artist Muratjon Urmarov participated in the “My Contemporaries” exhibition held in the Baltic States and many exhibitions in Uzbekistan.