Financial Crimes Prevention Officers informed Students
Date Added: 10 April 2019, 09:11

Inspector Evren Er and İzzet Çiftgül from the Financial Crime Combatting  Department presented information about illegal online betting and gambling to the students of University of Kyrenia.

Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Gökmen Dağlı, academicians and students participated in the presentation. Dağlı thanked the security officials who contributed to the organization. The presentation started with providing information about online betting and gambling.

Inspector Evren Er explained the legal aspects of criminal activities, as well as the consequences affecting people’s future during the presentation on legal regulations, organizational structure and the integrataion of the illegal income into the legitimate financial system.

Er underlined money laundering of illegal betting and gambling, and explained that students may become part of the crime by letting others to use their bank account, credit card and internet banking information. Evren Er stated that both in the TRNC and Turkey authorities may block suspicious bank accounts as a result of these kind of actions which also can lead to imprisonment.

Inspector Evren Er stated that: ‘İllegal gambling and betting industry is targeting  students coming to our country. Do not let them commit crimes by using you’.

At the end of the presentation the inspectors answered questions from the participants.