A Seminar titled “Maritime Search and Rescue Liability and Issues in the Eastern Mediterranean ” was held
Date Added: 22 March 2021, 15:45

University of Kyrenia Faculty of Maritime Studies organized an online seminar titled ” Maritime Search and Rescue Liability and Issues in the Eastern Mediterranean” that attended by academicians and students.

Ocean Going Master Enver Yetkili from the Faculty of Maritime Studies in the opening speech of the seminar introduced the speaker of the event, Piri Reis University Lecturer Rear Admiral Alaettin Sevim and thanked him for his participation.

In his speech, which started by thanking the Faculty of Maritime Studies for the seminar invitation, Alaettin Sevim first touched on the definition of search and rescue concept.

Sevim explained in detail through examples, the definition of maritime search and rescue region term in international law, Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean FIR lines, the legal gaps and the agreements to which the countries of the region such as Turkey, Greece and TRNC are parties.

During his speech, Rear Admiral Alaettin Sevim also touched on the issue of search and rescue liability and the illegal immigrants and emphasized that search and rescue areas are not sovereign areas but a jurisdiction.

Alaattin Sevim also gave examples of the steps that can be taken on Single European Sky İnitiative and the agreements that can be done between Turkey and the countries of the region.

The online seminar ended after the question and answer session.