2020 – 2021 Bahar Dönemi Doktora Programı Ders Listesi
Eklenme Tarihi: 05 Şubat 2021, 16:49
Son Güncelleme Tarihi:23 Şubat 2021, 16:16

Graduate School of Applied Sciences
Graduate School of Applied Sciences Programs
Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering Doctoral Program
2020 / 2021 Fall Term


These courses will be opened this semester.


MTM600 Environmental Aspects of Transportation
(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Mehmet Fatih HÜSEYİNOĞLU)
MTM605 Maritime Management
(Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar SHARGI)
MTM611 Seminar
(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih HÜSEYİNOĞLU)
MTM614 Current Issues in Maritime Transportation Management
(Prof. Dr. Funda YERCAN)
MTM615 Designing Marine Protected Areas
(Dr. Volkan DEMİR)
MTM616 Special Topics: Marine Modelling
MTM617 Special Topics: Biochemistry for Maritime Studies
(Prof. Dr. Levent KAYRIN)
MTM618 Research Methods
(Asst. Prof. Dr. Serkan SANCAK)
MTM621 Special Topics: Marine Spatial Planning
(Dr. Volkan DEMİR)